The Inventors Room - 30 Children: 5 to 11 years

Our Inventors classroom allows flexibility and freedom of choice within a secure setting for school-age children arriving after a busy school day.  In addition, the classroom is open all day during most days the 4J school District public schools are closed.  Staff ensures that the classroom functions as a caring community in which all children and adults feel accepted and respected.  The children have an opportunity to participate in group games or to work or play alone.  Opportunities are provided to complete homework if desired, read books, write in journals, and get physical exercise.  Planned and spontaneous activities are facilitated in an environment rich in creative arts.  Adults foster and nurture emergent and child-led projects such as publishing newsletters, writing and producing plays, and a variety of clubs.  They can also participate in outdoor activities each day.   Transportation for school-age children from several schools is available within a limited area.  The center collaborates with the UO Moss Street Children's Center to provide transportation services, which allows each center to include a greater number of schools.  All drivers are qualified staff from one of the two centers and have completed the UO driver certification process.