Health & Wellness

The Vivian Olum Child Development Center strives to promote and extend the protection of children’s health, preventing illness whenever possible, as well as to provide the most appropriate environment and care for the wellbeing of the child who becomes ill. We exclude ill children from the center:

Health and Medication Policies

To promote and protect the wellness of children in care, we exclude ill children from the Center in accordance with state regulations, under the following conditions:

  • When the presence of the child poses risk of spreading infection to the other children.
  • When the ill child requires more attention and care than is available by the regularly scheduled staff.
  • When a child exhibits symptoms of restrictable illness as defined by state guidelines.

Classroom Exclusion Guidelines for Sick Children

from the Childcare Licensing Division of the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care

A certified childcare center must not accept a child into care, except with the written approval of the local health officer, who:  

  1. Is diagnosed as having or being a carrier of a childcare restrictable disease, as defined in Oregon Health Authority administrative rules, except with the written approval of the public health administrator or licensed health care provider; or  
  1. Has one or more of the following symptoms of illness, except with the written approval of the public health administrator or licensed health care provider:  
  1. Fever over 100.4°F. A child with a fever over 100.4°F may return if fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication.
  1. “Diarrhea,” which means three or more watery, bloody, or loose stools in 24 hours, the sudden onset of loose stools, or a child is unable to control bowel function when previously able. A child with diarrhea may return 48 hours after diarrhea resolves or with written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider.
  1. Vomiting at least one time, where there is no explanation for the vomiting. A child who vomits without explanation may return 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or with written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider.
  1. Severe or persistent coughing. A child with severe or persistent coughing may return after symptoms are improving for 24 hours or with written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider.
  1. Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes. A child with unusual yellow color to skin or eyes may return to care with written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider.
  1. Open sores or wounds discharging bodily fluids. A child with open sores or wounds discharging bodily fluids may return to care after rash is resolved, when sores and wounds are dry or can be completely covered with a bandage, or with written clearance from a licensed health care provider.
  1. Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above.  
  1. Uncharacteristic lethargy, decreased alertness, increased irritability, increased confusion, or a behavior change that prevents active participation in usual school activities. A child with any of the above symptoms may return to care when symptoms resolve, return to normal behavior, or with written clearance from a licensed health care provider.
  1. Difficulty breathing or abnormal wheezing. A child with difficulty breathing or abnormal wheezing may return to care after symptoms are improving for 24 hours.
  1. Complaints of severe pain. A child with complaints of severe pain may return to care after symptoms are improving.
  1. Eye lesions that are severe, weeping, or pus filled. A child with eye lesions that are severe, weeping, or pus filled may return to care after symptoms resolve or with written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider.  

A child who shows signs of illness, as defined in this rule, shall be isolated and the parent(s) notified and asked to remove the child from the center as soon as possible. If a child has mild cold symptoms that do not impair his/her functioning, the child may remain in the center and the parent(s) notified when they pick up their child.

When it has been determined that a child is too ill to remain at the center, we ask that you make arrangements to pick up our child within 30 minutes. Isolation of a child away from the classroom uses extra staffing and can affect the activities of the rest of the group.

Medication Administration During the School Day

Medication Authorization forms must be completed by a parent (or an authorized adult) and approved by a staff member when a child requires medication while at school. No prescription medication or non-prescription medication, including, but not limited to, pain relievers, sunscreen, cough syrup, diapering and first aid ointments or nose drops, may be given to a child except under the following conditions:

  • A signed, dated, written authorization by the parent(s) is on file
  • Prescription medication is in the original container and labeled with the child’s name, name of the drug, dosage, directions for administering, date, and physician’s name
  • Non-prescription medication is in the original container, labeled with the child’s name, dosage, and directions for administering
  • A written record of all medications administered listing, as a minimum, the name of the child, type of medication, the signature of the person administering the medication, date, time, and dosage given, shall be kept.

Parent(s) shall be informed daily of medication administered to their child.  Expired medication cannot be used and will be sent home.